
About Us

Midwood Early Learning Center is the place for children to learn new skills and discover their hidden capabilities. We give great value to the role of our faculty and equally assign the same value to parents – YOU. Working with parents in ensuring the quality of the child’s education is a vital part of our programs. In fact, our philosophy revolves around this concept.

Our Philosophy

Parents are the first role models and educators of every child. Your role in your children’s development is crucial so we focus on working with parents as we educate kids at Midwood Early Learning Center. We engage parents in learning and enjoying time with children. We encourage quality time spent in different programs, services and fun-filled activities all year round. Midwood Early Learning Center will work with you to develop your child’s fullest potential. We hope to give them the tools that will allow them to function in higher educational settings. But it all starts here – Early Childhood Education.

Mission Statement

professor and students in the school lobbyIt is our mission at Midwood Early Learning Center:

  • to help children discover their talents and capabilities.
  • to fulfill every child’s potential.
  • to introduce theoretical and practical concepts in the areas of science, math, literature and social interaction.
  • to believe in every child – that they can be what they want to become. We teach them to start their dreams at an early age with the hope that they will find their passion early in life.
  • To maintain the trust of parents by meeting the state-set standards in early childhood education and exhibiting morals/values that parents would like their own children to embody.

Statement of Services

Our educational programs involve Speech, Literature, Arithmetic, History, Science, Theatrical Arts, Painting, Music and Physical Sports. We make learning fun for children – because it should be fun. Our services may be academically-centered but we design our learning programs to be full of activities so children can enjoy experimenting on the skills they have learned. All these will be held in a peaceful and safe environment that is full of positivity.

Your child will surely enjoy their time at Midwood Early Learning Center. We invite you to ask our administrator about our curriculum. Call 917 873-6229 for more information or Set an Appointment online.

cartoon kids reading book